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Monday, February 13, 2012

Fashion Frenzy: February Addition

First Up: What's Cool for School

 The three f's. Funky. Floral. Flowing. Are what you need to know this year. If you attend public school somethings to wear could be a floral print skirt or bright colored shirts with unusual patterns and for private schools I would suggest playing around inside the rules with a stylin' new hairdo. Putting your hair in braids could be a nice flair to that boring uniform. If your hair to short to braid however I have a quick fix for that too! Headbands with cool attachment always seen to do the trick.

Celeb Corner:

 Solid, bright colored dresses was what was predominantly seen at the S.A.G Awards, it seems to be one of the newest award show trends. (And no, no one was actually sagging. Haha)

 The younger actresses were spicing up the awards, showing the vets that we all have a style to bring to the table.

Homemade Trade Marks:

Glitter fabric pens! Easy way to add an extra sparkle and flare to those drab jeans or plain tees.

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